Questions about the stuff

  • By partnering with the brands!

  • Yes, all the stuff is 100% authentic and ships directly from the brands warehouse,

  • I've built relationships over the past 15 years with brands. I tell them "yo hook me up with the best prices on your stuff" and they say "Okay fine, but only for you and your audience"

  • Directly from the brands warehouse

  • For most brands to most locations, expect 2-8 business days.

  • As of now, no. But don't ruin the fun for everyone. If people start buying the stuff from here super discounted and start reselling it we are going to have issues... So just buy stuff for you, not to resell.

  • Everyday :)

  • Not yet, but we will be launching our membership program soon!

Other questions

  • Nothing much, just chilling. U?

  • My initial thought would be the 100 chicken sized bears, using the kicking technique but if they got me to the floor it's game over. Also, I'm imagining chicken sized bears and they look like puppies in my mind. And I wouldn't want to kick 100 little bear puppies. Then again a bear sized chicken is SCARY. Those chicken claws would be huge + it could fly. I guess that would be kind of like fighting an ostrich? Idk. Probably the chicken sized bear, if I had to choose

  • Depends where you start

  • I would assume they would look like chairs but backwards? So the part that supports your back will be supporting your chest as you lean forward with your legs behind you?

  • I've actually thought a lot about this one. Like what if what I think is "yellow" is actually what you think is "purple". Like is there anyway to know if we actually see things the same way? Or do I just call "purple" what you call "yellow"?

  • Finally, now we are getting deep. It's an interesting question that I've also thought about a lot. Like imagine you had an apple on the counter. If I asked you if "you" are the apple you would probably say no. The apple is there and you are here, "you" are not the apple. But what if you take a bite of that apple. When you are chewing it in your mouth, is that apple "you'? Probably not right? It's the apple in your mouth. But what if you swallow it? Does it become "you" at that point? Those sugar molecules that made up the apple are now running through your blood, is it now "you"? What if a mosquito comes and bites you and takes some of your blood. Is that blood now the mosquitos? Is the mosquito now "you"? Who are "you"? What are "you"? Why are "you"? Why am I writing all this? What is happening? Why are you still reading this? Why did you come to this site in the first place? Oh yeah, to get some stuff at massive discounts. Scroll back to the top of the page and click the home button to buy some stuff to appease the feeling of anxiety you get when you think about what and who and why you exist.